Monday, March 06, 2006


A few weeks ago,
I was coming down from a three-day
cocaine high,
and I emerged from my hole in the ground
that I call my "Secret Lair."

The first person I saw
was a pathetic old man
who said, "Wow, you sure do look wise."

I said, "No, sir, you're confused. I don't look wise.
No one does. I simply look badass as hell."

He said, "What do you seek to do among the world of mortal men?"

I said, "Leave your pathetic voice to yourself you old pissbag. I
don't care about anything. I'm doomed to continue living in
this hellhole we call a universe. I don't give a damn about mortals."

He shrugged, and said, "I think I understand. This is a valuable lesson
about the overman."

I knocked his lights out and ate his false teeth.

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