Monday, April 24, 2006

A Poem Written from the Perspective of the Kid with Shaggy Hair Who Works at the Natural Foods Store at the Corner of 5th and Pine

just because I work
at a natural foods store,
doesn't mean I won't
cut your throat
or steal the system
out of your car
if it will get
me paid.

And just because I'm
doesn't mean
I'm not strong,
or angry.


Anonymous said...

No doubt. Vegans will mess you up. I once saw Dennis Kucinich rip a homeless guys eye right out of his socket.

Travis said...

no doubt, those guys are crazy. I saw the store clerk at the Whole Foods Store stab a lady in the jaw just for asking for a price check on the steel cut Irish oatmeal. Then he went back to fixing his dreads like nothing happend.