Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Abner Runbuttons

I'm Abner Runbuttons.
I like to write poetry and play with my cat.
He's a tender pussy named Ezekiel Matthias Bruner Runbuttons.
His hair is a problem in the summer time.
It chokes him up.
I like to listen to entertaining pop music.
I'm about as plain as can be.
I like to sing songs to pussy.
I sing him songs all the time,
songs about love and ministry and this one about all the tuna
in the sea. Oh, the sea.
Most everyone I meet likes me.
My friend, Joseph Stinkwater says, "It's hard to dislike something
with no flavor, especially when the texture is nice."
My Poppa run off when I was but a wee lad.
Mom, well she's got a nice angel collection.
"They're nice to look at," she says, "But a foot in the bog to dust."
I like when visitors come out to see me and Mom.
We always invite them in for a cup of coffee
("Black or cream?" we always ask, Mom taught me.)
and an old browse of the Good Book
and then we chop them up into pieces
and eat them and bury what we can't eat in a
hole under the house.
"You can never be too safe, "
Mom always says.

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