Monday, February 05, 2007


Hilton Hightower
has returned from his latest
round of kidnappings,
mutilations, and obscene alien orgies
at the hands of . . . well, alien species.
He would attempt to explain
these most vile and beautiful creatures
to you, but his descriptions would obviously be
beyond the mental reasonings of your species.

You're so pathetic that I actually wish
those alien terrorists had held me captive
at least a little bit longer.

There's something incredibly refreshing about
intelligent creatures, even if they are severing portions
of your body.

Now I am returned to present your lowly life force
once again with the poetic disasters I write with my
own hand and the pictures I draw with the hands of others
more accomplished.

Bite it, eat it, and all that stuff.

1 comment:

ThirtyWhat said...

Good to have you back ...