Monday, December 13, 2004

Winter Poem; or Winter is a Disgusting Waste of Time

Snow is a cockamamy
excuse for people to be happy and festive
during the most depressing time of the year.

Snow causes pathetic people to say, "Look,
it's snowing. Boy that's pretty." or "Look,
we're gonna have a white christmas." or "Look,
I can piss my own name into that pristine whiteness."

Snow is nature's way of taking your eye off the ball
you stupid moronic humans.
Don't you see? Winter
is depressing and stupid, just like Spring, Summer, and Fall.
And a lot like you.

Take it from me:
Winter is only good for holing up around a fire
and getting piss-drunk and reflecting on how
you've wasted another year holding off death.

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